Valley News Forum for March 7, 2023: A bad land deal in New London

Published: 03-07-2023 6:08 AM

Bad land deal in New London

New London voters are being asked to vote on a privately petitioned article on Wednesday, March 15, at 7 p.m. It asks voters:

1. To spend $375,000 for land appraised this January for $150,000;

2. For the purchase of a 7-acre parcel of wetland with only 2 acres of usable area;

3. Which is located in the busiest part of town, across from the post office;

4. To build a new police station, which the Selectmen’s own committee has said is not necessary;

5. With an estimated final cost of construction of $9 million.

The petition also proposes it could be used for any “other municipal needs” — when no purpose has been stated and no need exists.

The Selectmen unanimously decided they would not request this purchase in a warrant article.

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It’s up to you — if you’re opposed to this ill-conceived expenditure, you need to show up on March 15 at 7 p.m. and vote against it.

Bob Bowers

New London

Cornish, accept the gift of a new library

As a former resident of Cornish and a library patron for 52 years, I would like to thank Colleen O’Neill for her exceedingly generous offer to donate the former Cornish General Store to the town of Cornish to be used for a new, modern library and community resource center.

If the town votes to accept this gift — which would be renovated through donations and grants at no cost to the taxpayers — Cornish residents would have for the first time a library with indoor plumbing, handicapped access, safe and ample parking, good lighting, room for more books and patrons, and space for educational and enrichment programs ... resources that most modern libraries now offer.

A library and the many resources it can offer is a gift to people of all ages and means — a place where friends and neighbors can come together — a place where all are welcome.

I urge the town to vote to accept this gift as an investment in its future.

Connie Kousman

Hancock, Maine

Shiffrin the skiing GOAT

Having eclipsed the women’s record for total World Cup skiing wins, the one-time Upper Valley resident Mikaela Shiffrin is set to surpass the men’s record held by Ingemar Stenmark of Sweden (“Stenmark says Shiffrin ‘better than I was,’ ” Page B1, Feb. 28).

She is indisputably the GOAT in slalom and giant slalom, with 76 of her 85 total victories coming in those disciplines. And she has raced and won in the speed events, something Stenmark never did. Nevertheless, the former queen of the slopes Lindsey Vonn earned 71 of her 82 total victories in the downhill and Super-G events, where racers put their bodies and lives on the line every time they leave the starting gate. Vonn missed many races over the years while recovering from injuries suffered in crashes.

Nobody cares about ski racing, but it currently lends itself to one of those interminable and inane sports debates about who is the overall GOAT. Of course if Shiffrin continues on her current pace, she could make the whole debate moot.

Philip Glouchevitch

