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By Line search: By STEVE TAYLOR

A Look Back: A Tunbridge Fair of a very different vintage
08-28-2023 10:02 AM


THE TUNBRIDGE FAIR AS IT ONCE WAS — Yes, it was good that a crusading young minister came to town and led the charge to clean up the wild, alcohol-fueled atmosphere of the Tunbridge Fair and get rid of its reputation as “the drunkards’ reunion.” That...

Displaying articles 1 to 9 out of 9 total.

A Look Back: The Golden Age of radio added color to Upper Valley life
12-05-2023 4:29 AM


Radio had come in big-time by the 1930s, but if you lived in the Upper Valley, you needed a wire hooked up to a tree or post outside your house if you wanted to get any reception. And the reception you got off this crude antenna system came from...

A Look Back: Bridges knit together the Upper Valley
10-03-2023 8:22 AM


Bridges across the Connecticut River have been essential for more than two centuries to creating what former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean once called a “third state” nestled between New Hampshire and his Green Mountain State. Indeed, as the current...

A Look Back: Fourth of July celebrations meld civic and social elements
07-02-2023 9:14 PM


John Adams famously said the true founding of the United States of America came on July 2, 1776, not on July 4, because on July 2 the Continental Congress passed by majority vote the Declaration of Independence. On the fourth, the delegates signed the...

A Look Back: A celebration of the square bale
06-05-2023 1:47 AM


It was by far the greatest technological advance of the 20th century for livestock farmers, and it lives on today serving what’s become a niche market of hobby farmers and horse owners. It’s the hay baler, and it’s a machine that can be pulled around...

A Look Back: I-89’s arrival made Purmort, Montcalm real
05-02-2023 12:38 AM


‘Twas 63 years ago when the Enfield board of selectmen — Charlie Tupper, Isaac Sanborn and Henry Laramie — sat down with representatives of the state highway department to discuss whether the town had any wishes for naming its two exits off the new...

A Look Back: Muddy roads of springs past
04-03-2023 4:54 AM


Upper Valley roads are wicked muddy this spring? Ha! Go back a few decades, or maybe a century or two — that’s when just about every road around here was a muddy slog, even in downtowns, for weeks on end. Little wonder folks then actually liked winter...

A Look Back: Food once a pivotal part of Town Meeting
03-07-2023 6:09 PM


Time was when the food served on Town Meeting day was nearly as important as things like the school budget, highway maintenance and a new fire truck when they came up for discussion and votes. Many Upper Valley Vermont towns and a few on the New...

A Look Back: White River Junction in the 1950s
02-05-2023 9:03 PM


WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, SUMMER 1957 — It hadn’t changed much in generations and it was still a rugged railroad town, downtown stores hadn’t yet been destroyed by the Vermont sales tax that came a decade later, the slow decay of the 1960s, 1970s and...

A Look Back: 50 year ago this week, Orford’s Thomson was sworn in
01-04-2023 3:26 PM


He ran for president once, lost three primary bids for New Hampshire governor and was defeated twice in gubernatorial general elections. But, no matter, Orford’s Meldrim Thomson Jr. was elected to be the Granite State’s chief executive three times,...

Displaying articles 1 to 9 out of 9 total.

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