Town Meeting preview: Bradford, Vt., to decide on shift to Australian ballot form of voting

Published: 02-27-2023 12:26 PM

Articles of note: In three separate votes during the town’s floor meeting, voters will be asked whether to shift to an Australian ballot form of voting for electing officers, and approving budget articles and public questions.

Contested races: Voting for officers, including two Selectboard members, will be from the floor during Town Meeting.

Budgets and spending articles: Voters will be asked to approve general fund and highway budgets. The warning does not include figures for them. Last year voters approved a budget of $2.23 million, according to previous reporting. 

When, where and how to vote: Town Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 4 at 9 a.m. in the Bradford Academy Auditorium, 172 North Main St.


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