Newport deliberative session set for Tuesday

Published: 03-28-2024 4:42 PM

NEWPORT — On Tuesday, the Selectboard will hold its deliberative session, during which residents can discuss and possibly amend the proposed $11.5 million budget and several Town Meeting warrant articles with appropriations.

Finance Director Paul Brown said the general fund operating budget of just over $9 million, which does not include water and sewer expenditures, represents an increase of about $450,000 from the current fiscal year ending June 30.

Most of the increase is due to higher expenses for health insurance, property and liability insurance, the welfare budget, and pay increases under union contracts, Brown said.

The 14-article warrant has several appropriations for capital reserve funds, including $100,000 for the revaluation fund and $75,000 for the ambulance fund.

Brown said if no changes are made at the deliberative session and all articles are approved at the May 14 Town Meeting vote, the town tax rate is projected to increase from $7.62 per $1,000 of assessed valuation to $7.85, or 23 cents.

The deliberative session begins at 6 p.m. in the high school gymnasium.

The filing deadline for candidates running for town offices is April 5.

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