Town Meeting preview: Full slate of decisions before Norwich voters

Published: 02-28-2023 12:40 PM

Articles of note: Voters will be asked to provide town leaders with advice on whether or not to add a fifth full-time police officer to the three budgeted officers and chief. They also will be asked to weigh in on whether to eliminate the office of lister and replace it with a professional assessor, whether to offer a 10-year property tax exemption to the Norwich Farm Foundation and whether to allow the Selectboard to appoint the town clerk.

Contested races: There are two contested Selectboard races. Current Chairwoman Marcia Calloway is running against Selectboard member Rob Gere for a three-year term. Selectboard member Aaron Lamperti is running against resident Priscilla Vincent for a one-year term. 

Budgets and spending articles: Voters will be asked to approve a $7.24 million operating budget for the school district, as well as $768,000 for a new pre-treatment septic model and $307,800 for a new playground at Marion Cross Elementary School. Last year, voters approved a $6.6 million school budget. Voters also will be asked to support a town operating budget of $5.5 million, which is up from the $4.9 million budget voters approved last year. 

When, where and how to vote: Norwich will conduct its Town Meeting voting by Australian ballot on March 7 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Tracy Memorial Hall. It also will hold an in-person meeting at Tracy Hall at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 6.


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