Town Meeting preview: Orange voters to discuss tax prepayment

Published: 03-04-2023 5:50 PM

Article of note: One article asks whether voters support authorizing the town tax collector to accept prepayment of taxes, no more than two years in advance.

Contested races: There are no contested races.

Budgets and spending articles: The proposed budget is $276,000, which is up from $257,000 last year. Other articles ask whether voters will appropriate $8,000 for the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund; 10,000 for the Town House Capital Reserve Fund; $4,000 for the Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund; and $15,000 for the Town Road Improvement and Repair Capital Reserve Fund.

When, where and how to vote: Orange is scheduled to hold its Town Meeting ballot voting for officers on Tuesday, March 14 from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Town House. The in-person meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. at the Town House.


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