Town Meeting preview: Pomfret to elect Selectboard member, library trustees

Published: 02-28-2023 1:32 PM

Article of note: Voters will be asked whether to use $147,375 from the unassigned general fund balance to reduce taxes.

Contested races: Benjamin Brickner and Frank Perron Jr. are facing off for a three-year term on the Selectboard. Three people are running for two library trustee positions: Douglas Abbott, Kimberly Carey and Betsy Rhodes.

Budgets and spending articles: Voters will be asked to approve a municipal budget of $1.77 million, including a general fund of $509,000 and a highway fund of $1.2 million, in total about $1.2 million is expected to come from taxes. Last year, voters approved a municipal budget of $1.63 million, according to Valley News reporting at the time.

When, where and how to vote: Pomfret is scheduled to hold its Town Meeting voting by Australian ballot on March 7 from 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Pomfret Town Offices, 5218 Pomfret Road.


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