School Notes for Monday, March 4

Published: 03-02-2024 7:30 PM

Secondary accomplishments

The following Hartford High School students made the honor roll for the first semester:

Maximum Honor Roll: Liam Applebee, Caleb Arruda, Edward Ashline, Andre Banks, Sophia Barry, Madison Barwood, Jaidin Bennett, Mackenzie Bennett, Payton Bessette, Macy Bettwieser, Lucy Bloom, Kieran Boyington, Jared Boynton, Courtney Brock, Kamryn Brower, Logan Caffrey, Wyatt Chambers, Kendall Clark, Nathan Clark, Abagail Crandall, Madelin Crowley, Kimberly Cushman, Olivia Daigle, Ava D’Amico, Paisley Danaher, Jordan Davis, Hope Dufty, Rowan Dumont, Geneva Durgin, Abbigail Eames, Aislynn Emerson, Logan Evans, Leiyah Fisher, Jack Fournier-Stephens, Molly Fournier-Stephens, Samantha Fraser, Sebastian Fraser, Joseph Gallant, Gabriella Gardner, Holden Grant, Asa Henry, Alec Husmann, Jamie Hyde, Morgan Jensen, Amara Johnson, Evelyn Johnson, Maya Johnson, Wyatt Judd, Jade Kaler, Rebecca Keelty, Dallas Kelly, Maya King, Joseph Knapp, Dakin Kovatch, Lillian Lachle, Riley Leva, Mackenzie Liles, Sebastian Lorenz, Triv-Ann Maharaj, Joshua Marandos, Riley Martin, Leonel Martinez-Furmann, Anna McSherry, Lyla Metheny, Bennett Moreno, Flynn Moreno, Gavin Morris, Logan Myers, Emily Neily, Simon Nichols, Monet Nowlan, Ines Orgaz, Connor Osborne, Jimena Palomino Janampa, Nolan Pichtel, Kaitlynn Porter-Rist, Morgan Radicioni, Benjamin Ray, Greyson Renninger, Taylor Richardson, Harper Robinson, Jaiden Robinson, Miranda Rogers, Atticus Rose, Alisha Roux, Lucas Sanderson, Deshon Sinclair, Jordan Slusser, Dakota Smith, Jaleal Smith, Jamie Snyder, Camden Stride, Kathryn Summarsell, Xavier Theriault, Colby Tierney, Brayden Trombly, Paige Trombly, Matthew Tsouknakis, Christopher Wadsworth, Hugh Wendling, Amelia Whipple, Clayton Willis, Cora Winslow and Noah Wood.

General Honor Roll: Felicity Adams, Asher Albrecht, Michaela Anderson, Liliana Argyros, Samia Arnold, Leah Arsenault, Jasmin Ashline, Daemon Audette, Jayce Bailey, Ermek Baker-Niffka, Alexander Baning, Sarah Beagle, Savannah Beagle, Daniel Beaulieu, Cavan Benjamin, Brayden Bennett, Brittany Bennett, Aaron Berry, Asher Bettwieser, Nella Bowen, Eleanor Bowie, Annabelle Brabant, Elliott Brooks, Faith Brown, Linkoln Brown, Logan Brown, Jenna Buffum, Nathan Campbell, Marcel Caple, Mackenzy Carrier, Madison Castillo, Quinn Chartier, Mason Chase, Mia Collado, Olivia Collins, Matthew Cooney, Braylin Coutermarsh, Gisele Covert, Aidan Culbertson, Morgan Curtis, Noah Danieli, Nicolas Daniels, Melodie Dansereau, Aryn Davis Raymond, Lyndsey Davis, Olivia DeSchamp, Jacob Dube, Liam Dube, Nika DuMoulin, Sean Dunton, Samuel Durgin, Summer Eastman, Harper Fallon, Nathaniel Flockton, Jayden Forbes, Olyve Frankenfield, Beatrix Garza, Violet Goodwin, Jack Grigsby, Sam Grigsby, Paeton Griswold, Rowan Guild, Gabriel Guillette, Aiden Harrington, Derek Harrington, Christian Hathorn, Cody Hathorn, Matthew Hayes, Caelum Henninger, Jackson Hessler, Hayden Hewitt, Kylie Hinkson, Aiden Holmes, Ryan Howe, Tighe Hrabchak, Alex Hultquist, Madelyn Hultquist, Nicola Husmann, Gavin Irish, Wyett Irish, Rowan Irvine, Jasen Jesperson, Sylvia Johnson, Zachary Johnson, William Kendall, Aiden Kingsbury, Teagan Kovatch, Nathaniel Krom, Wyatt Kustafik, Randy Laird, Grayson Lamoureux, Margaret Lane, Benjamin Lang, Logan LaPole, Julian Layne, Ayodele Lowe, Evan Lynds, Graham MacLaury, Liam Mangieri, Zoey Mansur, Caden Marcotte, Serenitee Martel, Madylyn Matheson, Haley Maxham, Benjamin Mayer, Dylan McCrory, Calvin Mills, Owen Mock, Larkyn Moodie-Hamilton, Maple Moore, Samuel Morris, Tate Mosenthal, Vincent Munn-Campusano, Kaitlyn Nichols, Cavan O’Brien, Alessandra Oliveira, Braelyn Park, Hayden Parker, Lillian Parker, Owen Parker, Zachary Parker, William Pelissier, Nicholas Perry, Arlo Philip, Joseph Pierson, Tyler Piper, Jaden Poirier, Dalton Pond, Maxwell Portnoy, Devyn Potter, Bailey Provost, Padraig Quinn, Jayden Radicioni, Maddie Ranieri, Rylea Rediker Waterman, Connor Rice, AmAya Robinson, Kara Robinson, Chloe Rogers, Neveah Rose, Richard Rosenbeck, Olivia Seaver, Izabelle Sirois, Maxwell Smart, Kyle Spaulding, Ryan Spaulding, Tyler Spaulding, Austin St. Peter, Ashton Stark, Jasmine Stocker, Kevin Sumner, Emma Swierbitowicz, Anthony Sykes, Camden Tassone, Emmariah Taylor, Lili Thibault, Graham Thompson, Thomas Thorburn, Chandler Townsend, Tanner Trussell, Skylar Tuckerman, Brody Tyburski, Jacob Tyburski, Aubree Vail, Hailey Vanasse, Reid Vassiliou, Paige Vielleux, Lillian Wheeler, Maria Wheeler, Logan White, Jackson Whitney, Madison Willey, Charlotte Winn, Norah Wood, Savannah Worth, Rylan Young and Aaron Zimnick.

Post-secondary graduations

Caitlin Vollmann, of Springfield, Vt., graduated from Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg in Pennsylvania in December 2023.

Post-secondary accomplishments

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at the Community College of Vermont for the fall 2023 semester: Hazel Fahey, Bradford, Vt.; Erin Lauer, Bradford, Vt.; Porter Burkins, East Thetford; Shannon O’Donnell, East Thetford; Rosa Gomez, Hartland; Leif Barkley, Randolph; Makayla Herring, Randolph; Aura Dove, Randolph Center; Emily Chism, South Royalton; Rachel Puopolo, South Royalton; Taylor Claflin, Springfield, Vt.; Olivia Howard, Springfield, Vt.; Julia Palmer, Springfield, Vt.; Patrick Tardel, Springfield, Vt.; Caleb Paige, Vershire; Ava Albrecht, White River Junction; Kaelyn Courtemanche, White River Junction; Jacob Defelice, White River Junction; Michael Meredith-Tuck, White River Junction; and Evan Simpson, White River Junction.

The following Upper Valley residents made the student honor’s list at the Community College of Vermont for the fall 2023 semester: Sean Downs, Bethel; Makenzie Hill, Bethel; Elizabeth Sayers, Bethel; Megan Swanson, Bethel; Kristine Williams, Bradford, Vt.; Kyle Findley, Claremont; Cindy Billingham, Corinth; Chelsey Roy, Corinth; Brynna Kearns, East Randolph; Daniel Wolstenholme, East Thetford; Nicholas Beaulieu, Grantham; Paul McAree, Hartland; Larissa Riviezzo, Hartland; Alecia Halkias, North Springfield, Vt.; Dylan Magoon, North Springfield, Vt.; John Vogelien, Orford; Grace Frazier, Quechee; Liberty Peterson, Randolph; Star Yesman, Randolph; Amanda Blake, Sharon; Alison Brokenshire, Springfield, Vt.; Becky Bryant, Springfield, Vt.; Kimberly-Ann Hicks, Springfield, Vt.; Victoria Jacobs, Springfield, Vt.; Rachel Jones, Springfield, Vt.; Langdon Lyon, Springfield, Vt.; Felicia-Jean Wyman, Springfield, Vt.; Kimberly Hargis, Thetford Center; Amanda Clark, Vershire; Bobbi Martin, West Hartford; William Eck, White River Junction; Jessica Giffin, White River Junction; Leandrea Henderson, White River Junction; Sheila McCarthy, White River Junction; Jessica Roberts, White River Junction; Chelsea Sunn, White River Junction; Isabelle Vandenberg, White River Junction; Logan Haley, Windsor; Tydus Percy, Windsor; and Adam Parker, Woodstock.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Conn., for the fall 2023 semester: Coleman J. Fabry, Grantham; Ean M. Ray, Grantham; Andrew J. DeBois, Orford; and Jacob Stoughton, Sunapee.

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Miah Hamm, of Sunapee, who is studying electrical construction and instrumentation at SUNY Delhi in Delhi, N.Y., made the dean’s list for the fall 2023 semester.

Emma Lapsley, of Claremont, and Alexis Tewksbury, of Springfield, Vt., made the dean’s list at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, S.C., for the fall 2023 semester.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Emerson College in Boston for the fall 2023 semester: Emily Herbert, Claremont, business creative enterprises; Kayla Wimer, New London, media arts production; Georgia Winn, Quechee, political communication; and Haley Clough, West Hartford, journalism.

Adara Greenstein, of West Lebanon, and Nichole Pappas, of Randolph, made the dean’s list at Curry College in Milton, Mass., for the fall 2023 semester.

Miranda Collins, of Canaan, was inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at Widener University in Baton Rouge, La.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., for the fall 2023 semester: Greer E. McCarty, White River Junction; Brenden Tyler Richardson, Claremont; Eva R. Roux, West Lebanon; and Abigail S. Wilson, Lyme.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for the fall 2023 semester: Jager North Klema, Charlestown; Jesse Middleton Foote, Claremont; Meghan Georgia Clough, Enfield; Derek Alexander Lacy, Hanover; Bryn Campbell Simpkins, Hanover; Olivia Marie Trummel, Hanover; Adriana Maria Caraeni, Lebanon; Evan Lyon, Lebanon; Madison Ann Giberson, Sunapee; Dina Hertog-Raz, Norwich; Jon Protas, Norwich; and Megan LaCroix, Woodstock.

Alex Baker, of New London, made the dean’s list at the University of Maryland Global Campus in Adelphi, Maryland, for the fall 2023 semester.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Tufts University in Medford, Mass., for the fall 2023 semester: Lyra Bornholdt-Collins, Hanover; Pierce Clark, Lyme; Tage Colberg, Lyme; Courtland Doyle, Hanover; Stella Galanes, Sharon; Sydney Kwaku, Hanover; Clay Kynor, Sharon; Tom Lyons, White River Junction; Jack Meehan, Hanover; Sylas Oberting, Hanover; Nika Renshaw, Hanover; Rowan Smail, Woodstock; Cecy Sweeney, Piermont; and Hailey Swett, Norwich.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, N.Y., for the fall 2023 semester: Colin Gagner, Fairlee, illustration; Nick Lee, Hartland, electrical engineering; Gabriel Moro, Lebanon, computer engineering; Daniel Pinigin, Norwich, packaging science; Tess Hacker, Norwich, software engineering; Jenna Gilbert, Orford, biomedical engineering; Cooper Redmond, Perkinsville, electrical engineering; Sean Lyons, Quechee, illustration; Amber Houle, Springfield, N.H., mechanical engineering; and Bikramjit Singh, White River Junction, engineering.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Bryant University in Smithfield, R.I., for the fall 2023 semester: Joseph Barwood, White River Junction; Samuel Bates, West Lebanon; and Theodore Woods, New London.

The following Upper Valley residents made the dean’s list at Saint Anselm College in Manchester for the fall 2023 semester: Jesse McDonnell, Grantham, finance; Maryrose McLaughlin, Grantham, philosophy; Morgan Melendy, Grantham, undeclared; Mary-Hannah Gawlick, Windsor, psychology; and Colby Warren, Woodstock, classics.

Julia Tursky, of Claremont, made the dean’s list at the University at Albany in Albany, N.Y., for the fall 2023 semester.

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