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By Line search: By CLAIRE POTTER

Vermont on the lookout for new tick that can cause a meat allergy
05-13-2022 9:34 PM


Volunteers picked through feathers probing for small ticks with a white blaze on their backs at weighing stations during turkey hunting season. Vermont is on the lookout for the lone star tick, a species spreading north.“Climate change, that’s why we...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

A rickety dam means Goose Pond will be mostly drained
05-30-2022 11:09 PM


CANAAN — This may well be one of the last summers to enjoy Goose Pond before it is drained down to a 15-foot pool as the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services repairs its dam.“Nobody’s thrilled. The scope of this project is enormous,”...

Potential logging of public land around Lake Tarleton sparks debate on forest management
12-10-2021 6:24 AM


PIERMONT — Officials overseeing the White Mountain National Forest this week postponed a final decision on a proposal to log approximately 880 acres of national forest land near Lake Tarleton and will reopen public comment.The decision comes after a...

Vermont veteran exposed to burn pits dies of cancer
11-11-2021 10:28 AM


HARTFORD — Wesley Black, the 36-year-old Hartford firefighter who was battling colon cancer after being exposed to open burn pits while serving with the Vermont National Guard in Afghanistan and Iraq, died on Sunday.“The Hartford Fire Department...

Tropical Storm Irene, 10 years later: Businesses look back on disaster, recovery
08-28-2021 9:28 PM


The Ottauquechee River had always been part of the charm of the White Cottage Snack Bar. The seasonal Route 4 restaurant’s website entices customers with the promise of char-broiled burgers and whole fried clams enjoyed on the banks of a bucolic river...

Tropical Storm Irene, 10 years later: Preventing the next Irene, or at least the catastrophic flooding
08-28-2021 9:27 PM


In the wake of Irene, Vermont nonprofits, state agencies and residents have worked together to make their communities more resilient as climate change threatens to unleash more extreme weather.Planting a tree may seem like an insignificant act when...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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