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By Line search: By MAGGIE CASSIDY

Column: We need more people riding bikes, and not just in Hartford
12-27-2024 8:11 PM


That folks have complained about the new bike lanes along the Route 5 corridor in Hartford before, during and since their construction is unsurprising. In America, driving is sacred. Even proud liberals cannot rally around commonsense efforts to...

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A Life: Tom White’s ‘social life was his family and town affairs’
12-15-2024 4:01 PM


Just about every morning for decades, longtime Hartland Selectboard member Tom White woke up and drove the town’s roads. “Every day he was out in his Cadillac, whether it was rain, snow or shine, just driving around, noticing things that I hadn’t...

A Life: Paul Sargent ‘was an old Fairlee guy, and he had his fingers in a lot of pies’
11-24-2024 5:02 PM


FAIRLEE — Paul Sargent, the longtime Fairlee businessman and civic leader, was well known for his love of old cars, particularly pre-WWII Fords like Model As and others with V-8 engines. He kept about 15 scattered across a few barns, was a regular at...

Vermont officials confirm 2nd death caused by July flooding
08-02-2023 9:03 AM


State officials on Tuesday morning confirmed a second death related to July’s catastrophic flooding in Vermont.“We have had our second flood-related death confirmed,” Public Safety Commissioner Jennifer Morrison said during a regular press conference...

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